Tuesday, April 12, 2005

People and Places I can never love?

There's an old story about Socrates sitting at the entrance of Athens and meeting people who wanted to move in. On being asked how people were in his city, Socrates would ask the visitor the same question, if the visitor said the people in the city he was leaving were good, Socrates would say the same thing about Athens and would welcome him in.
On the other hand, if the visitor said they weren't, he would hear something not so nice about the people of Athens and be frightened off living there.

Apparently Socrates, being Socrates!, knew what he was doing.

Having lived in and loved living in Hyderabad and Chennai, (hot!) cities with very warm people, I couldn't stretch my imagination to expect anything else from London. and neither London nor Great Britain and its people disappointed.
And I can't help thinking how right Socrates was and will be

I've moved to cities wherever my education has takenme(with what I now take to be) a characteristic lack of strong preference for a place or a people. And I don't expect that to change in the future either.

But I've never been in a foreign land before and a growing liking for London has meant an unusual fear is creeping up on me...
A fear of getting sucked into a selfish life of making a career and life for yourself with little regard for anything else - For the idealism in your youth that is hungry for change - for the people you're a part of or more realistically, in flesh and blood, for the people and relationships built over two decades in which perhaps you were taken care of more than you took care of.
And now, when it's your turn, you've your career and your life for an excuse.

But an impassioned youth and a fearless ambition have a fearsome reputation for burning bridges that took years to build.
And that's one fear that I can't rein in as I find a growing attachment for a place and a people that are not my own, and perhaps can never be my own.


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